The results are in and my oh my were they ever close! This was so much fun and I really want to thank everyone who participated. In fact I decided as a Thank you for partaking in my little wee wee contest I am giving out some extra free minutes to those who may not have been the smallest but were the quickest in their response.
So here is the Big Winner with the smallest wee wee of them all....(drum roll please)
Baby Luke with when hard a
WHOLE TWO INCHES! It was a stretch but he just made it in at the two inch line!
Coming in second is Baby Jesse at barely 3 inches, 2.6 to be exact, but at that size whose keeping track LOL. I am! That's who!
Third, not by much I mind you, just a sliver Baby Willy at 2.8
Fourth was a long shot LOL Baby Lions with 2.99 and a half LOL ( I think he was pullin good and hard to make that much)
Fifth place made it to the 3" mark Congrats to Baby Sebby.
Sixth place was taken by Babylover with 3.1 and growing (so he claims)
With the help of some dribbles and Miss Mandy coaxing coming in in Seventh place is Diapered Sissy 3.24
Tied at Eighth place are SissyLulu and DiaperedDave with when erect measures up to a whopping 3.4
Nineth was n/a because of the tie
And last but not least Tenth Place goes to BabyDavey with a whole 3.5 inches! Whohooo!
There were a few larger then 3.5 but under 4. so I wanted to acknowledge them as well.
3.7 SissyKins
3.85 Baby Shawn
3.92 Little Cock Mikey
4. BabyPeaches
Thank you all again This was sooo much fun!
So I have picked to winners of the contest and that will be
Baby Luke and Baby Davey! Congrats to both of you.
I look forward to our call and hope others will continue to check in for upcoming contest and feel free to email me with any other ideas you all may have. Thanks again for participating!
Congratulations once again to Baby Luke for the smallest itsy bitsy pee pee!!!!So call for those free minutes I am looking forward to our time together!
For those of you who did not win, dont fret, check out our specials!Mandy1.888.938 7382 1.99 a minute, 2.50 connection Fee (US/Canada)2.99 a minute, 2.00 connection Fee (International)Number for International Calling:011+1-714-442-2402Call Calls Discreetly Billed As Madison Enterprise.Must be 18+ to call and have a valid Credit/Pre-Paid/Gift Card with one of the following Logo's: Visa, MasterCard, Discover