It is almost here!!! Yup, that is right, Christmas Morning is almost here! I am so excited, I have been peeing in my diapers all week long! I had a long list for Santa this year. I asked for the Kinect for my Xbox, I asked for some Itunes gift cards, and I asked for a Pretty Pink Nightgown that I seen at the mall last week and of course I asked him for a bundle of diapers to be under my tree! I will need them the way I am going through them this week *giggles* and *tinkles*. And I am always looking for new baby brothers and Daddy's to play with! So what was on your letter to Santa? What are you wishing for to be under the tree this year?
I can not wait to hear back from you. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and full messy diapers!Merry Mandy signing off to go change my diaper again!
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